Home Forum Ask A Member JW 22 Starting Problems

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      Canada Member

      It starts and runs only as long as the carb cleaner lasts, which is only a squirt really. I took the carb off and went over it again for mistakes. Discovered a small hole in the top of the aluminum expansion plug. Pulled it out, cleaned and blew all, replaced the plug. No difference. Currently trying to rig a different JW carb to fit. (the gas line connections are different) to confirm if it is the crankshaft seal.

      I’ll also try to fit the JW 22 carb to another motor to see if it works. That should eliminate the carb question.

      When Johnson eliminated the high speed jet did they have to modify the rest of the carb or motor?

      Thanks for your help.


        Canada Member

        it dies because it  starves…


        did you CLOSELY  clean out the   low speed circuit feeding the top.Recheck the side channel  on the edge  leading to the top half of the carb needle and drip chamber.  IN the drip chamber you should see the  needle point moving in and out as you screw and unscrew the needle. Check  needle packing  see video 11:17    13:50  & 14:50

        inspect throttle plate   it should be fairly closed at start to focus the  crank case vacum on the 3 small drip holes in the top section of the carb.

        if the plate does not close  enough to much air  will flow by the plate and the  top  lowspeed  fuel  supply won’ be sucked out.

        make certain the atmospheric   air supply is not blocked (small  hole front of carb)  see video at 7:45 and 10:00


        try choking the from of the carb face while you  start it

        Joining AOMCI has priviledges 🙂

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