Home Forum Ask A Member LeJay Electrol, trolling motor

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      US Member

      Anyone ever had one of these little gems apart,
      or have a parts manual?
      I got this $15 treasure a few years ago at Tomahawk,
      and just decided today to look at it.
      I could not give it a “whirl” with a battery, as
      there’s only one lead coming out of the motor, and
      I think, worse yet, I only see one brush inside.

      I’m having trouble getting the motor removed from the
      drive shaft, or even getting the top off, which holds the

      With all the screws remove (less the field bolts) the top
      cover comes up about 1/4″ and refuses to go further,
      and feels “springy”.

      After removing the prop, I was able to get the hole motor
      to lift up about one inch, pulling the driveshaft cable
      with it.
      I’m afraid that if I try to pull it any further, the cable end
      (that the prop attaches to) will get stuck in the curved
      driveshaft tube, and that would be “very bad”!

      Any ideas how the driveshaft cable is attached to the motor end,
      or what might be holding the top cap of the motor from coming off?

      Not sure what year this unit is, but looking at some photos, it
      looks like it could even be from the 1950’s.



      Prepare to be boarded!


        US Member

        Went back out to the shop after tacos, and finally got the
        unit all apart……. it wasn’t “pretty”, but at least I don’t
        think I broke anything.
        The upper armature ball bearing OD was stuck in the
        top cap’s housing.

        I went ahead and pulled the driveshaft cable up through
        the tube. The cable wasn’t stuck in the bottom of the
        armature, but rather pinned to the shaft.

        Good news, there are two brushes, but rather than
        being 180 degrees “opposite” each other, they are
        90 degrees apart. I could not see the grounded brush
        until it was all apart.
        That said, I have no idea where a ground connection
        from the battery “connects” to the motor. There is
        an empty hole in the bottom cap of the motor, but
        I see nothing inside where it might connect, nor
        do I see any external lug to hook a cable to.
        Hopefully someone will know, or have some good photos
        showing the ground cable.


        Prepare to be boarded!


          US Member

          Rheostat or Potentiometer?
          “Hot wire” from battery shown.


          Prepare to be boarded!


            Canada Member

            speed control surely… replaced my Maximizer technology on Min Kota …. which save  battery energy instead of  waisting it as heat in a rheostat.

            Joining AOMCI has priviledges 🙂


              US Member

              I read afterwards, that Potentiometers have 3 wires,
              and work differently than a rheostat, hence I guess
              the proper term for my gizmo is a rheostat.

              Prepare to be boarded!


                US Member

                I cleaned up some of the parts today, and did a few test with
                the ohm meter.

                All the commutator sectors are good, i.e., none show “open”.

                I have continuity through each field coil.

                I tried testing the rheostat, but didn’t know what I was doing,
                but I got all kinds of “whacky” readings with my auto sensing
                ohm meter. My old analog was stable, but I still had no idea
                what  I was doing.

                Some of the internal wiring must be missing, as there’s no
                way for current to get from the rheostat to the field coils.
                There was a long “hot” wire with an alligator clip to hook
                on the battery “positive”, I presume, going to the rheostat
                terminal, but nothing from the rheostat to the field coils.

                I also thought that one of the two commutator brushes
                should be grounded to the frame, but they both seem
                to be insulated from it.

                I still haven’t figured out where the battery ground connection
                may have been hooked up to this motor.


                Prepare to be boarded!


                  US Member

                  Hope you get that thing figured out.  It is one of those times when you don’t want any blue smoke!


                  Get’em wet…..don’t let’em set!


                    US Member

                    In theory, it should be a “simple” electric motor.
                    I thought it was bad wiring up my lathe motor
                    with forward, and reverse, etc., but at least I had
                    a wiring diagram. I’m flying blind on this one.
                    I can always hope a “part time” mechanic / electrician
                    comes along before I wire it up!

                    Hope you get that thing figured out.  It is one of those times when you don’t want any blue smoke!


                    Get’em wet…..don’t let’em set!

                    Prepare to be boarded!


                      I have nothing to offer except a picture of the decal.

                      A "Boathouse Repair" is one that done without having tools or the skills to do it properly.


                        US Member

                        Thanks Tubs. Part of my decal was barely visible, so
                        it’s nice to see a much better one!

                        Prepare to be boarded!

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