Home Forum Ask A Member Magneto helm Starter Switch wiring

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  • #294401
    Chris Koure

      US Member

      I’m trying to wire the tiny helm of my boyhood 1967 Meyers 14 Laker with my 28 HP Evinrude Speeditwin.

      I haven’t removed the flywheel because it is good under there

      I’m confused on the connections. My sketches show what I understand about a Magneto for a big twin. The Magneto switch sketch is what I’m purchasing. I’m clear on the solenoid/ starter hook up.

      Do the points ground wires run back to the helm switch? Are they kept separate? One terminal is labeled magneto ground and the other just magneto?

      Please any help would be greatly appreciated,


      Chris Koure

        US Member

        I forgot a ground on #2 primary, sorry.

        Obviously my question wasn’t there.


          US Member - 2 Years

          OK, a little confused.  Is your speeditwin a manual start model?  In other words, does it have a stop button on it?  If so, simply tap into those two stop switch leads and run those leads up to the dash, using the appropriate stop button on the dash.  Perhaps I am misunderstanding, or you have an electric start model

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            US Member

            The ignition switch shorts the two wires from the points together to shut the motor off.  Since one or the other sets of points is closed at any point in time, one or the other wires to the points is at ground at any one time since the stationary contact is connected to ground all the time through the points mounting frame, so shorting the wires to the two sets of points together, permanently grounds out both sets of points all the time and the motor can’t run.  You do not need ground wires at the ignition switch, only a wire to each set of points.


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            Chris Koure

              US Member

              Thank you Fleetwin,


              It is an electric start. Or so it is now. I got this outboard from a past member and it was a runner without an electric start, lower leg, and carburetor. All were donated into his 1957 35 HP Evinrude. My first Speeditwin was/is a parts motor. The starter, lower leg from my first Speeditwin went on his old Speeditwin. My carburator ended up (after getting into it) not being worth the effort. I recently purchased a Johnson 28 and I’ve taken the carburator from that (much better carb even with out rebuilding the carb.)


              So he said just connect these two wires (coming from under the flywheel )to a switch and that will be a kill switch.


              So I’m trying to set up my original helm (from 1968 or 9). Dad sold that 28 HP Speeditwin with a different boat in the 70’s (god rest his soul) so I’m clueless/confused.


              Do I bring those two wires to the helm switch and connect them to the “M” terminals?


              I initially purchased the wrong starter key switch (thank goodness I didn’t use it).


              Probably clear as mud now!


              Thanks for reading & helping,


              Here is a pic of the helm that goes on my bow to stern seat. (Pic is too big to post.)



              Chris Koure

                US Member

                Speeditwin new to me.

                Chris Koure

                  US Member

                  Helm to go on my bow to stern seat.

                  Chris Koure

                    US Member

                    Here is a picture of the two wires I’m thinking should go to the two “M” terminals on the starter. Perhaps an e-stop button on the engine too.


                      US Member - 2 Years

                      OK Chris, slow up a bit for me…  Sorry, not trying to confuse you…  A few things to consider here.  First, I am assuming you do not have the original boat wiring harness for this engine.  And, I’m thinking someone just added that electric starter (different colored paint) to what was a manual start from the factory, and they probably didn’t have the engine wiring either.   One thing is for sure, the two stop leads get connected to the M terminals on the key switch….  BUT, it is important to remember that those M terminals should not be used as “grounds” for any other accessories.  If you do, you will melt the coils…

                      Give me awhile, I will attempt to find a wiring diagram for one of these engines in the archives somewhere.  This issue is also confused by the fact that we are dealing with the vacuum cut out switch circuitry as well….  Don

                      I g


                        Canada Member

                        all you need to do  to kill the engine is to join both points via a normally open switch.


                        the kill button (N/O) is or can be mounted on the engine  and  a pair  of M wires sent to  the 2  M posts on the key.   when OFF the key shorts the 2  BLACK  M wires  and kills the engine.


                        Joining AOMCI has priviledges 🙂

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