Home Forum Ask A Member Members access to Garry Spencer’S drop box ???

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      Canada Member

      anybody have info on what is happening  have we lost  all that valueable info forever ???

      Joining AOMCI has priviledges 🙂

      Dave Crabtree

        US Member

        Crosbyman…I am a new member as of July 17 per your encouragement to join (when you responded to a question I had as a guest).  I went to Gary Spencer’s Drop Box a few minutes ago to download the RED BOOK and I got a message that the DROP BOX is locked out because there was too much download activity.  I wish I could give you the exact wording of the DROP BOX message, but I am having trouble navigating the AOMCI website and I’m not sure how to get back to where I am at right now.  It’s tough being a newbie…

        I look forward to hearing the response of knowledgeable members to your question.

        The red boat

          I had the same problem recently.

          I was trying to download the red book.

          What I discovered was that if I kept reloading the page and clicking on Garry’s dropbox sometimes it would show up for a couple of seconds.

          When it did, would try to scroll down quickly and click on the link to the red book. It took many attempts but I eventually got it. There is some sort of glitch going on.

          It you manage to click on a link (if/when) it shows up then you are “in” and you can view and download it.

          good luck!


            US Member - 2 Years

            Maybe Garry will reply to you. I saw a post from him a few weks back.


              Garry hasn’t logged in for a while.
              I don’t think he has internet access at this time.

              A "Boathouse Repair" is one that done without having tools or the skills to do it properly.


                US Member

                Any follow up on this? I keep needing files, it was a big reason I first joined the club, and now none of it is accessible.

                T….in Wisconsin

                  US Member

                  I’ve not been able to log in for quite some time.

                  Matthew Pieklik

                    US Member

                    When everyone was complaining about not getting in , I could. Now I just checked and it was blocked. No access. It looks like the drop box site has some issues.

                    John Gragg

                      US Member

                      It sounds like maybe we need to consider starting another Dropbox? From the many posts I have read I’m pretty sure it will take awhile to even come close to the amount of information that was/is there. I dont know this for sure as I joined after the dropbox got locked up. However,  it appears there is a ‘need’?


                      If someone can give me an idea of how the Dropbox was organized, I could probably do something similar.


                      We could have members with pertinent documents send them to me via a free download site, then I can post them. I don’t remember the name of the site/service, but that us how I got my copy of the Redbook from another member. (Think limitations on email file sizes).


                      I’m not an I.T. guy, so our webmaster would have to assist with any permissions this group wants to use to monitor/regulate access.


                      Let me know your thoughts?


                      Best Regards

                      John Gragg
                      RIverside, CA

                      Just starting in the hobby, please be patient.

                      48 Sea King 5hp GG9014A
                      49 Sea King 5hp GG9014A
                      48 Johnson TD20
                      49 Johnson TD20
                      54 Johnson QD15
                      55 Johnson CD12
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                        Canada Member

                        agree 100%

                        Joining AOMCI has priviledges 🙂

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