Home Forum Ask A Member Motor ID and service info tags

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      US Member - 2 Years

      So my collection keeps growing (60+) and it’s getting harder to remember what year an outboard is, gear oil, gas oil mix ratios etc and of course the last time I serviced or ran the motor. Does anyone have a source for a nice looking, durable engine ID and service tag before I go and design and print my own?


        Canada Member
        Matthew Pieklik

          US Member

          I tag all my motors with a number. Then I made a document form with all the required information and I fill in the blanks. Number being on top.. Half of the sheet is left with lines so I can write what I did. I have about 40 so far. I Log them as I go . I have some on the rack I haven’t got to yet. It seems to work pretty good.

          We should make a book of all of Buccaneer’s Projects he has posted. That is a whole wealth on knowledge on its own.


            US Member

            I tag all my motors with a number. Then I made a document form with all the required information and I fill in the blanks. Number being on top.. Half of the sheet is left with lines so I can write what I did. I have about 40 so far. I Log them as I go . I have some on the rack I haven’t got to yet. It seems to work pretty good.

            We should make a book of all of Buccaneer’s Projects he has posted. That is a whole wealth on knowledge on its own.

            10-4 on the Buccaneer dude!  He knows his beans!  I have my motors tagged with one of those brown manila tags.  You can buy them on ebay for cheep.  I like to jot down on the card stuff like:  last ran, problems especially leaky gear cases, they need to be drained before freeze up or things that need attention, model and serial numbers also special names that might apply to an individual motor.    (Carl or Hojo or Lumpy)  I also have a running inventory folder in the house.  I buy old sweat shirts at the good will store.  I use them for a storage cover.  Usually we cut the sleeves off and sew the neck and the sleeve openings together.   My babies are all inside covered up and they still get covered with dust and dirt and fly droppings and spider nests, mud dubbers and who know what all else.



              Canada Member

              Windows EXCEL  accounting software  is an excellent information tracker .


              you  can list them on the left  most column by topic of your choice  (HP, MANUF.etc… )   and  create  other b-c-d-e-f-g  columns  next to it with each column name by  your choice ex HP -SERIAL|- SHORT/LONG SHAFT- COLOR-LAST OIL CHANGE- DTE LAST USED- etc.. etc.. as much info as you want .


              You will never  run short of  space to list new comers  and you can print  landscape  to preserve the info incase your  PC  goes South .  IF you enter them by HP in column A  you can re-sort them all  by HP when done .  In fact you can re-sort endlessly by colum


              here is a basic  sample  …yours to create  and customize



              Joining AOMCI has priviledges 🙂

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