Home Forum Ask A Member Neptune float stuck to shaft

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  • #1574
    Doug Wilson

      US Member - 2 Years

      working on a Neptune 15B2 that was just given to me. When I have tried to get the float out
      it is stuck to the shaft and will not budge any suggestions? Trying to pull it and re-coat.


      how is it motors multiply when the garage lights get
      turned off?


        Assuming its old dried up fuel
        something like Gum Out Carb
        Cleaner would release it.

        A "Boathouse Repair" is one that done without having tools or the skills to do it properly.

        Doug Wilson

          US Member - 2 Years

          had not thought about that will give it a try. The guy that gave it to me said had not been used since late 70s but his dad had obviously oiled the cyl when he put it up


          how is it motors multiply when the garage lights get
          turned off?

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