Home Forum Ask A Member New to me 6hp Evinrude project

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      Canada Member

      The green  pics were  just an example of the level of carbon found in my  green 5.5hp Johnson  which is why I still wanted to pull the PH on the blue 6hp of my post

      I’ll pull it anyway to inspect everything & maybe clean out some junk in case   it  is anything  like my 5.5 Johnson

      I am ok with the  6HP base gasket   I have the necessary spare  with the correct profile.  I refurbed  a 6hp years ago  and  sold it to a friend but kept the extra  spare parts 🙂

      next is dropping the GC  ( on blue) for inspection and pressure testing.  If OK i’ll  just refill.     Carb will be last   paint will wait for warm temps outside in May.


      red motor ????


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        Canada Member


        OK GC down… when I took out he GC -drive shaft …. found no ROLL pin below the upper brass cup…  I will try local hardware store

        water pump impeller looked fine   bent blades (nornal & flexible) so the last guy who worked on it likely destroyed the roll pin, just took

        it out or  just forgot to put it back  although removal was unnecessary

        pump housing got a good brushing small holes cleaned out… new China  impeller 277181 going in…same size   as the old one  strangely for China  it has  bigger brass core . should be ok …



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          Canada Member

          GC   refitted  with new  impeller……  such a pain  with the shift link clip reconnection…. till I woke up and took out the  bolt to let the lower shift  rod to slide in all the way  in     🙂 shift-link

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            US Member

            Those 6’s are known for idling down nice to be a great trolling motor.  Good price you got!

            I got one about 12 years ago at an antique shop for only $35 because it was stuck, and had been badly brush painted to cover up a previous camo paint job, so it looks ugly.  The impeller had a couple broken vanes that were jamming everything up inside the pump housing, so that was an easy fix.   Runs good now.  I’ve used it for Boy Scouts to run while working on boating merit badge. Also used it for the first motor for my then 14  year old grandson to run on a Minmost hydroplane we built together – it planed it off!  Once he learned how to handle waves, I upped the HP for him  (and me!).



              Canada Member

              Did the carb this morning.. tough nut to take out on the port side but I used Leroy’s trick and  tilted the rewind spring 🙂

              Carb  was essentially very clean.. I gave it a good shot  of carb cleaner . LOw speed needle was undamaged …. found the cork float near new 🙂 🙂  but I still gave it a  light coat of medium density  cryo glue sprayed with a mist of alcool/baking soda mix to instantly  turn  it rock hard.  The rest will be  general wiping and degreasing surfaces to be touched up  when I can paint outside.

              a small  3″ travel spray bottle with 90 proof rubbing alcool and a 1/4    teaspoon of baking soda  makes a great accelerant.. dirt cheap compared to commercial stuff !  rings and cyl looked good when I popped the PH to inspect lower housing for carbon build up .

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