Home Forum Ask A Member O ring sizes …do we have a chart

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      Canada Member

      found this site with tons of O rings (cheap with some free delivery)
      Q. does anyone a chart for OMC O rings sizes like shift rods, fuel connectors etc…

      maybe some of these cheapies would be a good buy if they fit

      https://www.amazon.ca/gp/search/ref=sr_ … 1518986648

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        I know you Canadians have a problem with mcmaster-carr shipping, but don’t you have a similar company north of the border? O-rings are dirt cheap from industrial suppliers.

        EDIT: Grainger??


          Canada Member

          True… with NAFTA we were suppose to pay equal pricing but aside from the normal exchange rate…we get hit with higher prices plus 15 taxes
          plus " we do not ship to Canada" or… Brokerage fees may apply…

          anyhow.. a chart would be nice ..Chinese will ship free… on a lot of stuff

          btw lots of "industrial suppliers" don’t sell retail …. one " gave" a sample of Spaghetti seal…so he would not need to write up a bill

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            I don’t understand why they make it so difficult. When I was making tools, I sent lots of them to Canada. I just sent them via first class mail, no problem. There is a little form to fill out–done on the computer while printing the postage. I didn’t mark them "Gift" either. Yeah, the postage was a bit higher to Canada, and I had to pay Pay Pal a dollar or so small foreign transaction fee. As far as I know, nobody got hit with any import taxes, etc–or if they did, nobody told me.


              Canada Customs told me that anything coming in with a value of $20 or more is eligible for duty charges but since you can barely buy a coffee at Starbucks for $20, they usually turn a blind eye until the value is closer to $100 and more. Thanks to NAFTA, US made products can usually come in duty free but if they are manufactured elsewhere, you’ll have to dig into your wallet. If they enforced that $20 rule by the book, the border crossings would be backed up for miles!


                Canada Member

                The industrial suppliers are realizing that the time it takes to serve customers at the counter is costly. Out local Motion Canada outlet started by setting a $100.00 minimum. I can understand that. When I come in, and the guys spends 1/2 an hour to find me a $17.00 bearing for a 60 year old machine, they aren’t going to last on that type of business.
                Now you have to have a commercial account and order on their website. This change has cut out even garages and service stations. They focus on heavy truck and industry where orders are recurring and big $$. Today you need to know someone if you want to get industrial supplies in small qty if at all. At least in a large city anyway…
                Time for us to start pooling orders.


                  Canada Member

                  ..After a few visits to my local glass shop in Verdun….for small .6 inch x 1foot window panes … the "owner" told me he would no longer take time to cut such small pieces ….. go figure 😥 nice fellow

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                  RICHARD A. WHITE

                    Lifetime Member

                    So, can they be sent to you in bags of 100? they are really cheap… Is there anything I can do to help?



                      Canada Member

                      well the chineese stuff is in millimeters and before ordering blind for shift rods and all……not that I need a ton of them

                      I was asking if we have size chart somewhere showing various engines and their oring sizes… we also have a need for fuel connector orings sometimes

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                        US Member

                        Size chart-


                        Prepare to be boarded!

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