Home Forum Ask A Member Only 5 motors

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      Five ‘eh? Do they have to be in operating condition?

      Lessee, from the runners I would have to pick:

      ’37 Johnson KA 37
      ’40 Evinrude Zephyr
      ’35 Johnson 300
      ’34 Johnson F 70
      ’56 Scott Atwater 7.5 bailer or any one of my fifties Johnson CD’s or QD’s or FD’s.

      Casey Lynn

        US Member

        That’s an easy one!
        1. All my singles
        2. All my twins
        3. All my 3-cylinders
        4. All my 4-cylinders
        5. All my V8’s

          quote Pappy:

          That’s an easy one!
          1. All my singles
          2. All my twins
          3. All my 3-cylinders
          4. All my 4-cylinders
          5. All my V8’s

          Foul! 15 motor penalty!

            quote 20mercman:

            There is no way I could keep it at 5, 25 maybe, but just for fun…..in no particular order, motors that I have in our collection:.
            1) 1969 Mercury 200 (I have thirteen of these 200’s, and 2 69’s. They are the best looking and fastest of this great line of motors.)
            2) 1947 Mercury KE-7 (Mercury’s most important motor and I love to run ours. Fast, idles like a dream, looks fantastic!)
            3) 1971 Mercury 800 (bored out this inline 4 +.030 and it is like new. I need at least one big motor for my 18′ Lund. The last year of red trim!)
            4) 1960 or 56 Evinrude Lightwin. (Either one, I like the looks of the 56 better, the 60 is more powerful. Great little motor!)
            5) 1952 Mercury KH-7 (Ultimate Mercury green tank, and a real transition motor for them. Look great, full gear shift.)

            Our Motors that almost made the list.

            6) 1955 Mercury Mk-25. (One of Mercury’s best late 50’s motors and still just as good today. We have 4 of them. They look great too!)
            7) 1963 Mercury 200 (I love my 63, ran it a lot last summer. Last of the white Mercury and like the KH-7, a transition motor. Full gear shift!)
            8) 1968 Mercury 110 ( We have 5 of these 110s from 62-69. Real powerhouse from 11cid. Smooth, reliable, lightweight! Great fishing motor)
            9) 1958 Evinrude Fleetwin ( I paid $12 for this Fleetwin, and I love it. Just a pleasure to hear run and take it fishing.)
            10) 1984 Mercury 7.5 hp Duck’s Unlimited edition. (This was my first motor that was mine. I won it at a banquet! Runs fantastic and is like new!)


            Well, Al Lockhart started this 25 number……I don’t know if I could get down to 25! 😯 But here goes….

            11) 1947 Elgin 3.5hp twin. (Another $10 motor. We take it along as our insurance motor frequently. Runs like a singer sewing machine!)
            12) 1949 Mercury KF-7 (Next edition of the Lightning, led to the KG-7)
            13) 1950 Mercury KG-7 (Icon motor for Mercury, fast and just cool!)
            14) 1953 Mercury Mark 5 (Nice little motor, would also consider the KF-5 as a substitute. )
            15) 1966 Mercury 60 (One of my go to little motors. I love to hear it run)

            16) 1956 Corsair Navigator 7.5 (Neat looking and farily rare motor when compared to my others.)
            17) 1956 Johnson FD-10 (This or our 53 Fastwin that Kevin built. We still are waiting to paint it, have not run yet.)
            18) 1964 Mercury 200
            19) 1967 Mercury 200
            20) 1971 Mercury 200 (Matched with the 800 on the 18′ Lund)

            21) 1972 Mercury 200
            22) 1973 Mercury 200
            23) 1974 Mercury 200 (See a pattern here?…hey, I like these 200’s! 😛 )
            24) 1975 Mercury 200 (Was my dad’s!)
            25) 1956 Mercury Mk-25

            This list is killing me……I feel like I betrayed so many of my friends.. 😳

            26) 1969 Mecury 110
            27) 1968 Mercury 110
            28) 1947 Mercury KE-4
            29) 1948 Mercury KE-7 (it fits into the gap between my 47 KE-7 and my 49 KF-7)
            30) 1970 Johnson 9.5 (Had since I was 10!)

            31) 1969 Mercury 200 (how could I leave out the sister to one of my top 5 motors?
            32) 1950 Evinrude Fleetwin.
            33) 1946 Mercury KD-4
            34) 1939 Elto Cub (I forgot about this, it is Kevins….. great running original)
            35) The looser in the FD-10 vs. the 1953 Evinrude Fastwin.

            36) 1962 Mercury 110 (I just finished up the restoration this winter. How could I possible part with it?)
            37) 1952 Mercury KF-5 (mentioned above at spot #14)
            38) 1955 Mercury Mk-20 (I can’t belive I forgot about this before now!)
            39) 1956 Lightwin (Mentioned is spot 4, the 60 probably won above. This one has to stay!)
            40) 1949 Johnson TD-20

            41) 1955 Mercury Mk-25 (hey I did say I had 4 of these!)
            42) 1955 Mercury Mk-25 ( last one of these.
            43) 1952 Mercury Cruiser. (Under restoration now, but will be done by summer)
            44) 1957 Scott Atwater 3.6 (Pretty good running single)
            45) 1950 Johson HD-25 (beautiful original)

            That was tough! I had to edit!

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