Home Forum Ask A Member Paint colour question of 1924 2hp BNL Johnson cylinders please.

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    Monte NZ

      International Member

      I am wondering what the paint colour is for the above which I am restoring.

      The motor is a fresh water motor and I suspect that it hasn’t been used for 60 to 70 years.

      The paint on the motor I think is original  and  appears to be a very light greenish  gray colour with aluminium on the cooling pipes.

      I’ve been hoping to find one of the early 2hp Johnsons for over 50 years, so I want to  do the job properly.

      Thanks in advance for any help.

      Monte NZ


        US Member

        That’s a good question!I always thought all of  the early A models had nickel plated cylinders.However,this picture of a unrestored 1926 A25 shows painted cylinders.I’ve never seen any with painted water tubes.They are either plated or plain aluminum.





          Not even close to being an authority. My experience with the ones I’ve had – if its brass, (screws – nuts – bolts) it was nickel plated. Copper water lines, fuel line’s, and brass fittings, were nickel plated. Water pump nickel plated. This 1923 I had, that I believe was original, still having the original plug wires,  had nickel plated cylinders. Nothing painted. Although I’m struggling with it, search you tube for nickel plating. I have only tried to do small (brass)  stuff. No cylinders.   Tubs.



          A "Boat House Repair" is one that done without having tools or the skills to do it properly.


            US Member

            Your 1924 model should have plated cylinders.I mentioned the 1925-26 models having some with painted cylinders because it was unexpected to see on an original motor with them.(Also with original 9mm grey rubber plug wires and original AC “G” spark plugs)If the color on yours matches,it’s possible it was “restored “ with factory paint.




              I had a 25 that also look like it was mostly original. I don’t have a lot of pictures of it. The cylinders don’t look plated in the pictures I have. Again, I’m no expert. Only what I have experienced.    Tubs



              A "Boat House Repair" is one that done without having tools or the skills to do it properly.


                US MEMBER PAY BY CHECK

                I have heard of dealers cleaning up and repainting trade in motors. Even painting them the green Johnson started  using in the early 40’s.

                Monte NZ

                  International Member

                  Thanks very much Stanley, Tubs and Eltoquad for your interesting replies…….and for the excellent photos!

                  I have had a close look at my neighbours motor which is only 8 different in serial numbers…….must have been shipped out together.

                  His has  definitely been nickel plated, so I guess my one was too.

                  I currently have the cylinders soaking in Evaporust after giving them a good wire brushing with my power grinder ready for painting.

                  The water pipes are nickel plated, so have removed the old aluminium  paint.

                  Thanks once again for your help

                  Monte NZ

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