Home Forum Ask A Member Petcock valve fuel filter screen

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    Been trying to find a fuel filter screen for my 1947 Scott attwater outbrd motor

    The filter/screen attaches to the petcock that screws into the gas tank.

    The one originally deteriorated and not usable.

    I can find inline units but would like to have the one that fits into the petcock valve on the 3.5/6 hp two stroke motor



      Canada Member

      you can roll up some fine brass mesh and solder it on

      mesh | McMaster-Carr

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        US Member

        Check the craft stores, I recall that I saw small sheets of fine mesh brass screen there.

        Joe B


          Most of the ones I make are sleeve that slip into the carb but much of it would apply to making one to put on your petcock. 100 mesh screen (100 holes per inch) is what I use as it is common on the motors I have although I have found larger mesh (lower number) in larger motors that have a screen filter. I will cut a piece the size I need then roll it up tighter than I need. Then I slip it over a drill that is the size I need. I put just a little soldering paste on the joint. Then with just a little solder on the tip of my gun I wipe it on the  joint. Short video  link below. There is also a link to a supplier on eBay from China. As best as I can determine you would want the 80 mesh. You’ll need to do some adapting to close the end and solder it to your petcock, along with the tools you have, but this may give you a place to start.  Video Link – https://youtu.be/lPOkIXm7C1Y  Supplier link –  https://www.ebay.com/itm/176504459596?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=8VyfVyPZTg2&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=_-YLkpExSsW&var=476097754116&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY 



          A "Boathouse Repair" is one that done without having tools or the skills to do it properly.


            I had a old OMC fuel tank that was rusted out and pulled it apart and found that the screen on the fuel pickup looked to be a exact match. I heated it with my torch to loosen the solder and was able to solder it on the fuel petcock, Just in case you have a old tank not worth fixing


            Thank you for all your ideas…hope to find brass or copper mess..looking locally but all the stores think I am crazy 🤣

            Found a metal screen from a water tap, will see if that will work




            Thank you for all your ideas…hope to find brass or copper mess..looking locally but all the stores think I am crazy 🤣

            Found a metal screen from a water tap, will see if that will work




              Canada Member

              if nothing else roll up some stainless steel mesh from a $3 spaghetti strainer or  scooper   from a Dollar store and stuff it  inside the  valve.

              Make certain the tank is 100% cleaned out

              Joining AOMCI has priviledges 🙂

                Not manufactures felt it necessary to use an ultra fine screen


                A "Boathouse Repair" is one that done without having tools or the skills to do it properly.


                  US Member

                  “Screen Door”  lol

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