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      Dave, I do have a KG7 with Phelon mag. Just for grins I tried the that flywheel on my Mark 20. I do have a Mark 25 mag plate on the Mark 20 and I found that the lower skirt of the KG7 flywheel just slightly rubs on the outside edge of the mag plate. I check the part numbers for the KG7 flywheel and the Mark 20 flywheel and noted they are two different part numbers. 398-735 and 398-739.
      Your thoughts.


        Well, this Mark 20 project will get completed at any cost. Hah, I have two of the slip on cams, but still no flywheel. Just for grins, I pulled the phelon flywheel off my KG7 and it in facts fits perfectly. I may just go ahead and use it just to verify the rest of the magneto components.

        Different Mrk 20 question related to fuel pump conversions. I have two Mrk 20s that two different mounting pad hole spacing. I have plenty of fuel pumps that mount up to the one with the wider screw spacing. What fuel pump fits the one with smaller spacing? Serial numbers on the engines are 826781 and 797967, which equate to 1954/55.


          It turns out that the phelon flywheel off my KG7 fits just fine on the mark 20 phelon mag plate. So I still need only the phelon flywheel.



            Ok this morning I pulled my head out of my ass and sure enough the fuel pump fits on my other Mark 20. Just had to rotate it into the correct position, so my Mark 20 fuel pump conversion is complete.
            And to think I fly airplanes, my wife says I should worry.



              US Member

              I’ve posted this information previously, but here goes again. The probable reason for the loss of ignition on one cylinder with your Bendix/Scintilla set up is a compound issue. Probable wear to the crank case mag mounting outside diameter, and the fact that the point opening cam on the rotor works differently than the Phelon cam. The Phelon cam opens the points for a short duration , while the Bendix/Scintilla cam closes the points for a short duration. One method to help cure the problem is to set the points opening to a mere nine thousandths. .009”. Once you have set the points to the reduced gap, confirm that the point wipers do not contact the cam while the crank is in the lowest portion of the cam’s rotation. Do this in all portions of the mag’s rotation on the crank case. The lesser point gap will retard the spark timing slightly, but it will have virtually no effect on your engine’s performance. It might be of some interest to those of you that equip your engines with kill switch wiring that Bendix/Scintilla mags do not respond well to simply attaching a wire to each point connection, and then expecting that when the wires are shorted together that ignition would be killed. Bendix/Scintilla ignitions respond well to the employment of a three wire, two kill switch set up. Have fun boating, R.T.


                US Member

                You must have used your Mercury manual to figure out the issue with your fuel pump.

                • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by davidk.
                • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by AOMCI Webmaster.

                  I have phelon flywheel came on Mk 20 power head I bought with Phelon magneto. Will ship for $30. One of magnets is dead. I you can get magnet charged should be OK


                    I have one I will sell for $30 include ship. It has on bad magnet if you can get magnet charged it should work. I see no numbers on but will fit Mk 20 crank.



                    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by Mumbles.

                      US Member

                      I can charge the flywheel if the magnet is viable. (Not Cracked)

                      The Boat House

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