Home Forum Ask A Member pristine 9622a (1966 9.5 Sportwin) – update

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  • #1561

      Canada Member

      still unable to rotate the flywheel. 3 weeks of soaking did litlle

      took out he head yesterday. Oddly as much as this engine got very little usage the piston heads were coated
      with a crusty film of carbon. powerhead cavities also crusty with carbon

      Maybe to much oïl at break-in ?

      watre chambers (jackets) extra clean

      moderate blows with a round peg and hammer did nothing….but may have jarred the rings bit.
      I can see the top ring after scrapping around the piston with a pointy wood skeewer pick. No rust whatsoever

      Flooded the 2 cyl. with penetrating oïl for another week. Both are just above the exhaust ports

      with try warning things up with a heat gun next.

      I hope it loosens up …I did pay $50 😆

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        It may be pretty, and it may have low hours, but when reality sets in, it may have gone for a swim too. Or sat out in the rain with the hood off (carburetor points toward the sky on that one). Let’s hope not, but..


          Canada Member

          will keep trying external medicines for now but I will pull the carb/reeds to peek Inside a bit …next winter If I can stop myself working on my winter 2016 project 🙂

          (good sportwin autopsy video on utube)

          good point about that carb !…. funnny design

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            US Member - 2 Years

            I’m assuming you have removed the gearcase to ensure it is not froze up…
            I like your plan about removing the intake manifold, that might answer some questions. I would be real careful trying heat to free up the powerhead, that may create more problems. This powerhead should probably come apart if it is stuck this good. You will probably do more damage if you get it freed up and then run it that way.
            Sure hope I am wrong and that you find a simple explanation!

            Steve A W

              US Member - 2 Years

              If it shows that much carbon, You might want to try soaking it with Sea Foam.
              It will cut the carbon better than penetrating oil.
              Good Luck.

              Steve A W

              Member of the MOB chapter.
              I live in Northwest Indiana

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