I am having a difficult time finding reed valves for my old 1 1/2hp Elgin. I was cutting them from shim stock, but the first I made are too firm. Looks like I will have to go to .004 to get the right size. Anyone have any experience with DIY reed valves. I am going to use feeler gauge for the next set, but am not sure if they will hold up. If anyone has made the reed valves can you let me know what you used and how well it worked. Any other suggestions would also be appreciated. I know it might sound crazy to spend a lot of time on a little old Elgin, but I will get satisfaction from seeing it running again.
I have never made new reeds, but I don’t see why feeler stock of the proper thickness shouldn’t work. Another option may be to salvage reeds from another motor. Maybe having to cut to size. Of course the issue with DIY will be to ensure absolute flatness of the final product.
Feeler gage stock is available in long lengths, like 12 inch, I believe.