Home Forum Ask A Member Repair Manual needed for Mercury 6 hp KD4

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  • #232640
    John Vastine

      First of all, I want to thank everyone for the overwhelming responses I have received from this club. What an amazing and resourceful group of people. I have gathered quite a bit of helpful resources in such a short time. I still have a couple of questions if anyone could help me with, it is greatly appreciated

      1) How/where can I get 2 sets of points for my merc KD4 part no. M-30-111 (original part no.)
      2) Needing water pump kit part no. M-30-137 also original part no.

      Thanks again, Louis


        US Member

        is there one of carb

        See the 2nd pic from fifty2One above for pics of carb. Under “M-20 Fuel System”.


          US Member - 2 Years

          Ignition points are “out there” Often the contacts can be polished to a mirror finish (or at least acceptable finish) and give good service for as
          long as an antique might see use.

          Water pump kit may be a harder item to find. A lot of time we have to
          improvise or wing it. In the 21st Century finding New Old Stock parts
          for an outboard made in the 1st half of the 20th Century is not always
          the way to go, There are several vendors of used parts and there are
          options available to clever native craftsmen with time and patience ,
          A general response, I could refine it with a little more specific
          question. There are 3 different water pumps, each will work as an
          assembly on any pre war or early post war outboards made by
          Kiekhaefer Mercury. Some post factory swaps or upgrades may
          have taken place. Mercury did offer a kit to upgrade to the later
          vane type water pump….merely the same pump as used on the
          later motors, A no brain swap.

          Kiekhaefer Mercury evolved thru 3 part identification systems

          prewar: an illustration of parts with a number and a sequentiasl number
          list as part of owners manual

          postwar better quality illustrations and an “M” prefix, The introduction
          of KE7 and KF5 complicated matters

          Current parts system was adopted in early 1950s. Most parts are
          identified by 2 digit prefix to identify part type followed by 5 digit
          part number and an “A” plus a number indicating more detail
          At the time the new system was adopted a New Parts List for Mercury
          Models manufactured 1939 to 1953 was issued. This converted the
          old parts systems to the new system

          OK so far?
          Kit, Water Pump Conversion Part # 46 – 24424 A4 is the new
          system part number A4 indicates 4 components in the kit besides
          the water pump housing. Parts name and number as follows

          46 – 24424 A1 Housing Assembly
          26 – 22058 Seal, Oil
          47 – 24447 Impeller Assembly
          24430 Hub. Impeller Drive
          24429 Cover, Water Pump

          The inclusion of a cover is probably because aluminum used for
          earlier water pump covers wore and corroded. Revised covers were
          made of brass and had a slot instead of a hole to engage locating pin
          in water pump housing.

          Hope this is helpful. AND is the answer for question you posed.
          If you are converting from an oscillator type pump to a vane type pump
          photo shows parts needed along with carry over parts from the
          earlier type pump.


            US Member

            I may have a used set of points.1 914 310 7086.

            John Vastine

              Does anyone have a diagram or information on the Merc KD4 points? Somene took the points off and I am not sure as to where all 4 wires go. thanks again


                  US Member - 2 Years

                  Mercury KD4 might have either Eisemann 72H or Bendix Scintilla K2-A#
                  magneto. Comprehensive information can be found online covering
                  each brand.
                  Tillotson AJ8 carburetor is also cover at length online.
                  Search of internet is sometimes frustrating. but, the information is there
                  for the above items.

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                    US Member


                    Prepare to be boarded!


                      US Member


                      Prepare to be boarded!

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                        Canada Member

                        This may help

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