Home Forum Ask A Member Row Boat Motor Magnetos

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      US Member

      Okay, I spelled it wrong Wico Model X. probably off a tractor since it’s orange. let us know how yours works out. Jim


        US Member

        I made some progress on the magneto. The coupler is made, as is
        the new mounting plate, and it’s bolted up. Right now, I’ feel no further
        ahead of having a working outboard though!
        It seemed to have good spark on the bench the other day by just
        turning the armature by hand (without the impulse attached).
        I have to crank the Wisconsin’s flywheel a pretty good clip to get any spark
        right now. The mag seems grounded to the motor okay, according
        to my "buzz box".

        I also believe I got the timing off, as when I had the mag hooked
        up with my "buzz box" determining at what rotor position the
        mag would "fire" to attach the drive coupler in the correct position,
        I must have been turning the magneto the wrong direction.
        I can fix that by drilling and tapping a new hole for the set-screw
        to ride on the flat on the armature shaft.

        I presume that testing this type of mag with my buzz box (9 volt battery)
        would do no damage to the magneto / coil, but I sure got a buzz
        when I accidently touched one lead…… got my attention!

        The magneto still has the "old" condenser yet, as I don’t know what
        to replace it with. It tested at .45 mfd or so. Seems "high" for
        any condenser. I haven’t found any specs as to what the rating should
        be for this mag. The Bendix part number is…….
        UPDATE: I went thru the Mertronic manual again, and didn’t see
        my condenser number listed, there was a condenser listed for
        "H Series" magnetos, part number 10-82104, rated at .15 mfd’s.
        My magneto is a model H1-4, so maybe close enough?

        I emailed a magneto rebuilder, but heard no response back.
        If I can’t find the information, I’ll just replace the old mag with
        a .22 cap and see what happens.

        At this point, I rather not re-design a coupling in order to use
        the Bendix’s impulse coupling, but suppose that’s an option.
        Another option (I think) would be to turn the magneto into a distributor
        and hook up with a battery and external coil.
        All for now.


        Prepare to be boarded!


          Buc, have you had the magnet remagnetised? Those pre WW2 motors have soft magnets and after say 90 something years are weaker and require rejuvenation.


            US Member
            quote cajuncook1:

            Buc, have you had the magnet remagnetised? Those pre WW2 motors have soft magnets and after say 90 something years are weaker and require rejuvenation.

            The rotor magnet seems to have strong magnetism as you rotate it by hand.
            I believe the magneto is from the 1950’s, so it probably has permanent magnets.
            If I get a chance tomorrow, I’ll replace the old condenser with a capacitor
            and see if the spark improves.
            If not, I’ll think about how to make the mag into a distributor.

            Prepare to be boarded!


              US Member

              I changed out the old condenser with a capacitor.
              The mag still doesn’t spark unless you’re cranking
              the Wisconsin’s flywheel at a fair clip.
              It sparked fine on the bench with the impulse coupling
              off, but "flicking" it with your fingers turns it faster
              that slow cranking the Wisconsin’s flywheel.
              I put the impulse coupling back on (took three tries
              to get it right, and that little spring is a bugger!)
              and it snaps and has good spark by appearance.
              Therefore, I’m redoing a coupling so I can hook the
              mag up with the impulse. Hopefully tomorrow I’ll
              have the mag remounted and ready to see if plan "B" works.
              The mag with the impulse on seems to spin backwards
              okay, so theoretically one could "bounce" the flywheel
              off compression to start it….. I hope. 😕

              Prepare to be boarded!

              RICHARD A. WHITE

                Lifetime Member

                Can’t wait to hear her sing to us again…..



                  US Member

                  No "Singing" yet, but does now have "Snappy" spark.
                  Got the new coupling made to incorporate the
                  impulse coupling on the mag. Perhaps I just need
                  to work on the technique, but I’m not sure if I’ll
                  be able to pull the flywheel through compression
                  and make the impulse snap and hence, fire the mag
                  at TDC. It doesn’t help that the motor stand is on
                  casters. Guess I better go watch some YouTube video’s
                  on starting RBM’s……. I’ve never had the pleasure.
                  In the meantime, you can watch my video if you like,
                  and any "tips" welcomed!


                  Prepare to be boarded!

                  RICHARD A. WHITE

                    Lifetime Member

                    Remember, it only needs to "snap" once….. after that it should go on its own, given all the other details are correct..Also, because you are using something other than what was original for spark, I would try to find out if the timing of the spark is correct, as in when it should spark…



                      US Member

                      I went out a while ago and tried pulling the flywheel thru compression
                      by bouncing off reverse compression and trying to use that bounce
                      to help pull thru compression in normal direction. Didn’t work,
                      and I almost tipped the stand over. 😮

                      I have it all timed to fire at top dead center. Specs say my magneto
                      has a 10 degree lag, so from what I understand it will fire at TDC,
                      and once running it will fire 10 degrees BTDC.

                      Anyone ever try starting a RBM by just grabbing the flywheel with both
                      hands and pull it thru compression?
                      I need to get the motor on a stationary stand or safely mounted to the
                      workbench before I try much more. Also need to put the gas tank back
                      together and coat it, now that my "Red Coat" was delivered.
                      Tempted to rig up a temp gas tank to see if I can make smoke!

                      quote Richard A. White:

                      Remember, it only needs to "snap" once….. after that it should go on its own, given all the other details are correct..Also, because you are using something other than what was original for spark, I would try to find out if the timing of the spark is correct, as in when it should spark…

                      Prepare to be boarded!

                      RICHARD A. WHITE

                        Lifetime Member

                        10 degree lag????

                        it should be firing before TDC…not at…
                        Make it stupid, retard the timing…LOL

                        Just guessing but I know of no engine that fires right at TDC, all that I know of are BTDC, how much depends on the set up…


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