Joined this site hoping you guys know more about this piece than I do from my Grandfathers garage. It’s inflatable. Looks like a boat with Scott-Atwater motor on the outboard. Yellow with green, red, white. Maybe an advertising piece or promotional toy. My dad remembers it from when he was kid ? Hoping someone here can shed some light.
That’s really cool…the inflatable "motor" in green and gold would indicate a mid 1950’s vintage. Should be a market for it among the vintage Scott collectors, if your intent is to sell.
Thanks for the input guys. Yes it’s still surprisingly pliable enough to inflate. I wouldn’t want to give it the float test though (ha)
I did some google-ing before joining this board and didn’t find much, other than learning a bit more about outboard motors (interesting in itself). Any idea on rarity or value? Or collectors that might be interested? Thanks again