Home Forum Ask A Member Scott Atwater water pump article

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      US Member

      I bought 2 of those and tried them on my motor. The groove for the pin is deeper than the original one so I had to cut a piece of 1/8″ rod to make pins that fit. I put a drill on the shaft and put the lower unit in water and it pumped like crazy! I have re-assembled the motor but haven’t tried it yet on a boat. So far, it looks promising.

      I bought this one: https://www.ebay.com/itm/19210-ZW9-013-18-3100-Boat-Motor-Impeller-for-Honda-4-stroke18-3100/182531077156?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649


        I was just re-reading the article today.
        Interesting reading even for someone
        who has no interest in ever having one.

        A "Boat House Repair" is one that done without having tools or the skills to do it properly.


          US Member

          Bill, glad that your initial test show promising.
          I’m somewhat anxious to tear into one of
          my bailer’s now.

          Prepare to be boarded!


            US Member

            Update: I put the motor in the tank and ran it for about half an hour. During that time, I could wrap my hands around the cylinders (while it was running) and found them to be slightly warm. If I didn’t burn up the motor in a half hour, I’m going to stick my neck out and say its pumping water!

            Your thoughts? 🙂


              US Member

              guess now I have to find a bailer for it! Then sell it as a complete, ready to go motor. It now has a restored tank too!


                US Member

                Great follow up to the thread ! I think I’m going to order one of the Honda impellers and give it a try in my test pump !
                Bill, thank you for posting the Honda part numbers !



                  US Member

                  New Member here, Reading thru the info on impeller replacement really getting my hopes up Thank you for all the comments.

                  Looking to find out how to prime these pumps?

                  Thanks again Bryan. I have a 1961 Scott Atwater 5hp . Got it to run yea.

                  Now I need the water to pump. Hoping to pass it on to my grandson.



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