Home Forum Ask A Member Solid rudder ruddertwins

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      So what is the deal with solid rudder rudder twins…… Were the earliest motors just built that way?
      I’m confused because I recently came across an early serial numbered model "a" and it has the hollow rudder with propello-pump. And a square gas tank
      So, Which motors would have the solid rudders, and are they all that rare?


        International Member

        what I thought ;
        only numbers on the ID plate ( f.e 2121 )
        ID plate has black color ( not blue )



          In most cases the solid rudder was standard on R/T ‘s 1921-23.
          The "T Bar" on the solid rudder measures approx 3"
          I have an early R/T (1922) with a hollow rudder as well.
          My understanding is that hollow rudders were offered as an
          upgrade for the earlier R/T motors in later production years.
          You may find the conversion steering " T Bar " to be approx 5"
          In length to where it meets the rudder on the early square tank motor.
          In 1924, what I believe to be the start of the hollow rudder motors,
          the model C steering " T Bar " measures approx 7".
          The model D ( long shaft R/T ) measures approx 10"
          In my opinion the 5" T Bar is unique to the conversion kits offered for the early
          R/T ‘ s.
          Opinions may vary.

          All measurements were taken from motors in my collection


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