Stator testing: How hard would it be to create.. a device simulator with the electricity that replicates what a stator outputs.. using the 12v Typical battery source ? (just the red+blue side windings)

Obviously the Stator creates a power curve of different amperages (and proally voltages) as it spins faster or slower, perhaps the average max power that it would be producing could be achieved, (maybe even a potentiometer of some sort once a base device is figured).
This way one could just bypass the Stator and test if their stator is the issue. (some cooked stators will pass the ohms test and still fail at higher speeds and temperatures)
(and then.. get a couple pieces of reflective tape on the flywheel and an cheap laser optical sensor, and you could create a simulated trigger!)
heck, go crazy with it… then just add a little uranium
and you’ve got nuclear fission..
I guess the first question is… What voltage comes out of a stator? I assume theres a wide range of different voltage setups?