I signed up for access at the Thompson web sight
but never got an email to ask a question so I’ll
ask here.
A friend has what is believed to be a Thompson.
Its about 12′ and he found this number stamped
in the transom. BX21149D1. We are not positive
about the D. He would like to know anything he
can learn about his boat. Year? Model?
A "Boat House Repair" is one that done without having tools or the skills to do it properly.
I’m no expert but I think the first number indicates the year, so in this case, I’d say it’s ’52. You should have no problem posting your question on the Thompson site. Andreas Rhude is the Thompson expert.
As Tubs said,Andreas Rhude is the expert.Email him at. thompsonboat@msn.com Tubs is correct on date.According to Andreas,BX denotes the workers who built your your boat.Here are pictures of my 14′(the seat braces are not original.Yours should be bent oak).Is Your friends canvas covered?
I believe Evinrude used a Thompson to introduce the 1953 Super Fastwin . . . 😀
Bruce covered Wisconson and Minnesota
I believe he covered Kansas and Missouri.
Dad covered Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana
Your Thompson sure is similar
to my friends boat as are your
pictures Garry. His was in
really bad condition when he
decided to save it so much of
it isn’t original either. Still
no email back for access so
I’ll just message Andreas
directly. Thank you to all that
A "Boat House Repair" is one that done without having tools or the skills to do it properly.