Home Forum Ask A Member tillotson carb

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      US Member

      Hi I’ve got a Caille model 119 single it starts and runs really good. My problem is when I turn it off it wont restart,acts like it’s flooded. let it cool down completely and it restarts. It has a Tillotson MS 71 A carb. I was wondering if anybody knows how the little threaded plugs on the high and low speed venturi go. One plug is solid and the other has a very small hole in it. I’m not sure witch one go’s where. These plugs are on the out side of the carb where they have drilled for the high and low speed venture passages. I’m not sure if I have them in the right hole and that maybe causing my flooding problem. seems to be really rich at low speed no matter where I set the low speed needle adjustment. Thanks for any help.

      Doug Wilson

        US Member - 2 Years

        might need to clean up the seat on the shaft from the float with some lapping compound. It could be seeping which would allow the motor to flood.


        how is it motors multiply when the garage lights get
        turned off?


          US Member

          Lapped the float needle and it’s holding fuel in the bowl just fine. Thanks for the reply. I think it has to do with the little plug with the small hole in it. I think it acts like a jet allowing air to mix with the fuel before it goes into the carburetor throat.

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