No diagrams here, but is there anything particular you’re trying
to figure out?
I have a 1945 3 hp that I went through, and I’m guessing it’s
very similar to yours.
My lower unit has hardware that’s frozen in place and, I’m wanting to know what the pump consists of. Is it a (plastic or rubber) where it could fail or, is it a metal/gear-like pump. I know I’ll eventually need to drill and retap the lower but, I’d like to know so I can start keeping my eyes open for replacements if the pump is plastic/rubber.
You don’t say what year or model your motor is, but if built like mine,
it has a very different water pump. I can’t find photos showing I actually
took the pump apart, but I believe it’s similar to some of the little Elgin
outboards with the “carbon, sliding vane” affair.
This is the water pump, and if I remember correctly, I had some trouble
removing it from the driveshaft tube.