I have a waterwitch 1939 2.5 hp 1 cyl ready to run almost wondering the type of oil u should mix I think mix is 5/8 pint to gallon? Looking for any manuals,diagrams out there
So I want to get this straight a 30wt 2 stroke oil its so old that I don’t what to mess it up about 10 to 1 to 16 to 1 and tcw3 means? two cycle oil thanks for your reply hope to start it Saturday
thanks for straightening that out. I wondered if they used something different back then. Anybody know a good grease for the gear box and it is grease not oil? Your waterwitch tanks and better than mine. My 84year mom got me mine from the dump. Cant believe people throw them out.
Great day waterwitch fired up on 3rd pull, took a sec to figure timing vs needle valve , but still a good performer , started and checked impeller water all good, waiting for weekend to go for a short spin on a boat. thanks for the info everyone