Hello to all;
What year and model is this motor?
Any interesting particulars, or cautions??
I’ll assume it’s ultra rate, as I see many more Evinrudes, and this appears to be, "Even". Like, even though the guy was looking right at it, he still spelled it in an interesting fashion. Although, I’ve seen much more mangled spellings, and I don’t spel so gud miself.
Thanks, and happy motoring!
Actually. it looks like an Evinrude Zephyr. 4 cylinder , 5.4 hp. I’m guessing Mid 1940’s. The year can be narrowed down by the style of the tiller handle, but I’d have to do some re reading to figure it out.
Alan, evinrude model 4404 . Looks like yours might have the synchronized throttle. Smooth runners. Every collector has or should have one. I’ve got two. Bout 1945. Jim
Data tag is on the transom clamp get the #S AND THE YEAR can be determined.
Ahhh yes. A good ol’ Zephyr. Yep, looks like a 4404 to me too. I believe the 4404 was the first model to have that style throttle. Priors had the timer separate from the throttlel linkage. That one there looks like it’s preserved with all the grease and oil coating it. Clean it gently and you may find a near new outboard there.
I was hoping it’s a Zephyr.
Now let’s see if I can get it home, from Craigslist Land.
I’ll post pics if I’m able to rescue it.