Home Forum Ask A Member What was your first outboard?

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      Mine was a 5 hp Goodyear SeaBee. I thought it was the greatest thing since sliced bread.


        A ’54 Lightwin. I was seven. Saved half the money for it. It went on a 13′ cedar plank rowboat that my dad fixed up. (I helped) Had it till age twelve when I cobbled together an old Yellowjacket with a Gale 35.


          Mine was also a 5hp Goodyear SeaBee. It was the Gale wedge block, 1949 I think but memory fades over time. Still have a soft spot for them. I have 2 in the basement. In fact that is what resparked my interest in this hobby. I saw one on Craigslist one day a few years ago and it brought back such good memories I bought it. Then, not knowing where to find parts for it I found this Club. The rest is history, you guys are stuck with me till I die now. 😆


            I had a 1.7hp Neptune- pushed an 8" boat over many miles.


              US Member

              I still have it….My Dad’s ’57 Scott-Atwater 3.6. Slow and noisy, but it still runs with the original ignition parts. The only problem I have had with it is surface rust inside the gas tank, which was fixed with an in-line filter. I’ll get around to de-rusting it someday before I go toes up.. :^)

              Doug Wilson

                US Member - 2 Years

                !968 Mercury model 60 6hp, Fishing motor my Grandad and I used on the fishing boat. Very clean original motor just inherited from my uncle may have 100 hrs on it, had set since 1980, new fuel lines carb and fuel pump rebuilt and new impeller always starts quick. Inherited the fishing boat when I got my license but not motor until later. First one I had apart was 1959 CD-16 5.5hp that my cousin beat up looks bad but runs great.


                how is it motors multiply when the garage lights get
                turned off?


                  First one I was allowed to operate on a boat was a Johnson LS-10 five horse. Dad gave it away while I was in the Army, but a fellow member gave me one like it a few years ago. What a nice guy Jerry is.

                  First motor I bought was a used-one-time Mercury KG7 to power the 8′ plywood runabout I built. Still have it and it still runs. So does the boat. 🙂

                  Long live the old iron. JW in Dixie


                    Canada Member

                    Viking 5hp at Eaton’s in Montreal… piece of junk with a head gasket leak…. I had issues with it for 2 years

                    took it back on my 2 years !!! Eaton’s warranty … they took it back 😯

                    and I traded up to a 9.8 Merc for an extra $50 or so as I recall ….. Eaton’s had started selling Merc’s

                    The 9.8 lasted years till I went to a used 50 Merc for a used ski boat. Sold that 9.8 for $400 years later and the new owner never had issues

                    Joining AOMCI has priviledges 🙂


                      1949 1.5 HP Hiawatha . I bought it from the 1st owner in 1970 and had it until it was stolen in 1990. I now have a few. Life revisited. 😎


                        US Member

                        martin 20

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