Home Forum Ask A Member What was your first outboard?

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      US Member

      Mine was (is) a 1956 Scott-Atwater 3.6hp. Dad was an old school pharmacist in a small town in KY. There were no sporting goods stores in the area, so they sold fishing tackle, Duratech boats, and Scott-Atwater motors. Imagine going into a drug store today and asking to see the outboards. I still have the motor and a 11.5 ft Duratech Dad bought from the store ( probably got a employee deal).

      Robert Rowland


        The article I wrote for the Jan 2021 Antique Outboarder was titled:

        “Why I neve owned an outboard until now.”

        That is correct as far as an outboard to power my dingy .

        I accidently overlooked the outboard that was on my 1st boat.

        I think it was a small Evinrude but I never used it much as I learned to sail out and into my

        slip in Deale Maryland.



        Robert Rowland


          The article I wrote for the Jan 2021 Antique Outboarder was titled:

          “Why I neve owned an outboard until now.”

          That is correct as far as an outboard to power my dingy .

          I accidently overlooked the outboard that was on my 1st boat.

          I think it was a small Evinrude but I never used it much as I learned to sail out and into my

          slip in Deale Maryland.




            US Member

            Mine was a 10hp Wizard my dad gave me. He couldn’t get it running after storing it and didn’t want to mess with it.cleaned the points and fuel filter, ran it was a long time wish I keep it.

            • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by jamesdavisiii.

              Canada Member

              Viking late 60s…    5 ..or  5.5 ???   what a dud   swapped it for a 9.8Mercury

              Joining AOMCI has priviledges 🙂

              • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by crosbyman.
              William MacNeill

                1963 Johnson JW-18 3HP. Bought by my father and I still get to enjoy it on the same Feathercraft boat he bought along with it.


                  US Member

                  The family cottage near Lexington MI on Lake Huron. Perch fishing had always been on a heavy wood livery boat with dad rowing. Never had to go out very far in those days for big perch. About 1960, dad thought that the family should join the booming boating craze. so along came a used 14 ft Wolverine Wagemaker molded ply with nice planked deck and a 1956 16 hp Scott Atwater complete with bail-o-matic.  We rigged it with a helm and remote controls, ( still manual start) which If memory serves, we purchased used from Triangle Marine on Detroit east side. The boat and motor were a good combination for the big lake. The motor ran well, never let us down, which is a good thing out on the big lake. But, for a young teen… faster is better. Still question how dad let me do it, but over a winter I dis-assembled that power head, polished all the ports, Bent back the reed stops ( bad !!) , lapped the head and block face and installed a homemade thin sheet copper head gasket. With the motor all back together ( no left over needles !) the old Scott ran great, a little faster? hard to tell.

                  So, if you ever run across a 56′ Scott with a peculiar copper head gasket , let me know, I just might want it back.

                  Joe B



                    In 1953 my dad went half with his aunt in a cottage on a chain of lakes in northern Wisconsin. In 1954 aunt Gerty bought a 1953 Alumacraft model E, 12 footer. In 1957 my dad bought a 1955 Fleetwin (seized). Two weeks soaking the cylinders and we were under power on the water. In 1959 he let me solo. I was eight. That motor is now part of my collection since 2000.

                    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by slim60.
                    Michael Wyse

                      US Junior Member

                      Mine was a 1953 Evinrude Lightwin 3hp, when I was 12 years old, I am now 17, and I still Love it

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