Home Forum Ask A Member Wiring Diagram for ’67 Merc 60?

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      That’s the 6.0HP twin cylinder, not the 60 HP

      I am specifically looking for the stop button. I think I hooked up something backwards and want to see a diagram


        Those kill switches are fairly basic, there is usually three wires, two cream colored ones and a black ground inside a shrink wrapped harness. These cream colored wires match up to the ones from the stator, one to each set of contact points. The button has a disc in it that connects the two cream wires together. The ground wire is there to add a ground path from the cowl to the block. The wires used had very poor insulation and it is very common for them to have lost their insulation. Check to see if they have shorted together in the loom, either to each other or to the ground wire. Either way, it will cause a miss or completely dead motor. Not long ago, I purchased a NOS kill switch assembly for one of my 200’s of that vintage. The insulation fell off as soon as I attempted to remove it from the package.



          Does this help? 🙄


            Both of those help, yes. Thank you guys.
            I built a harness for mine with a switch and added one too many wires. I think the one that was on it when I got it had too many wires which confused me.

            Once I rebuild that harness I have to figure out why it appears that it’s not pumping water… I rebuilt the foot and made sure that it pumped water before I installed it. Now when I run it in the barrel the powerhead gets hot enough for me to not want to touch it.


              There is as grommet on top of the water tube that swells up and distorts. I got my replacement (among other things) from Joe Poole.


                I will check it out this summer when classes are lessened.

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